Pilot Program - Available Now!

Clear Ballot Academy provides structured training for all the roles on your team and is designed to complement Clear Ballot’s existing offerings of implementation training and professional services consultation. Through May 2024, Clear Ballot Academy is offering a pilot training program of our ClearVote Orientation track at our Nashua, NH Election Lab.

This three-class track provides a complete and hands-on introduction to all components of the ClearVote system. This includes the preparation and execution of a mock election all the way from ballot design through election day and election night operations. This track is ideal for new customers and staff who are preparing for their first election with ClearVote, and it’s also a good refresher for folks who’ve just completed their first ClearVote election.

Our pilot classes are free as long as you can cover your own travel expenses to and from our facility.

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ClearVote Orientation Track

The full ClearVote Orientation track is a two-day program targeted at election directors and core elections staff. The first day provides a full end-to-end overview of the ClearVote system with a hands-on focus on election day operations. The second day is targeted for election programming staff and ballot designers. 

We offer flexible sign up options where you can take the full training track or just the first or second days. You can sign up for class dates below, or you can sign up for updates for regional or onsite training opportunities.

Day One

(Lunch is provided on Day One)

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - ClearVote 2.4 Overview

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - ClearVote 2.4 Orientation for Election Operations

Day Two

(Breakfast is provided on Day Two)

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - ClearVote 2.4 Orientation for Election Programming

Download the detailed agenda for more details.

T H E  E L E C T I O N  L A B

N A S H U A ,  N H

About Our Nashua Training Facility

Our Nashua training facility consists of a fully equipped election laboratory with both an election operations center and a precinct center. Courses are led by product experts with student assistance from members of our engineering and manufacturing staff. It’s located within walking distance from hotel accommodations.

Plan Your Travel

We offer helpful instructions to help you plan your travel, including transportation options, hotel and dining information, and directions to the Election Lab. You can find all of that information by downloading our Travel Guide.

Sign Up Today!