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Registered Voters


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Results Verification


"If you’re an election official, the word perfection is all anyone expects. . . . Anything that makes our life in the public eye more clear and more confident, that’s what we should be doing."

Mark Andersen
Supervisor of Elections

The Clear Ballot Difference

See how using Clear Ballot has benefitted our customers

When Mark considered the potential impact on operations during Florida’s long hurricane season, he wanted a disaster relief plan that allowed access to data without rifling through paper.

The software used with VerifyNow Pro gave Mark a complete ballot inventory system at his fingertips. Scanned ballots from each election were cataloged, and Mark was able to view this archive digitally. He could also pinpoint the location of every ballot in his warehouse and use the information he had collected to run future elections better. VerifyNow Pro gave Mark the structure he needed to prepare, and if necessary, implement, a disaster relief plan.

Since the initial implementation of VerifyNow Pro in Bay County, Florida Mark Andersen no longer needs to store paper ballots. The digital ballot images are now considered the official ballot record. 

Leon County Audit Image